2022 was a bit of a ride with ups and downs. Twitter isn’t a great place for long updates about boring life stuff, so I didn’t talk much about it. Here’s a summary of how my year went, online and offline.

Sacchi's 2022 Summary of Art
July was the only month that lacked a finished piece. I’m hoping next year will have finished art for all 12 months. 🙂

The year started out nice, I think. In the spring, I made plans to quit my day job and move to a bigger city. My day job wasn’t 100% terrible, but it was draining and had a lot of problematic people who perpetuated issues. Going to work every day sucked and I wasn’t happy. So my roommate and I attempted to get new jobs and find a new place…and failed. Turns out that it’s not easy to get a job in a city that you haven’t moved to yet.

During this, Stripe locked my account after discovering my website, which was connected via a WordPress commerce plugin, contained adult content. This was a big blow, but I’ve moved on to a different payment service and took my products back to Gumroad. One day, I’d love to be able to afford a high risk merchant account so I don’t have to worry about this and can create my own store. It won’t be happening in 2023, though.

Since we failed to move but I still wanted to quit my day job, I decided to pivot. I focused on a new freelancing trade—that’s why July is pretty lacking. I spent two months learning and trying to break into the new field, then quit my day job. I’ve since been managing to stay afloat doing both art and the new trade. Things are a bit rough right now and I’m seeking a part time job to fill the gaps, but I have hope that things will improve if I keep working hard.

Click to view full size. Original template here

That wasn’t the only big shift to happen, however. The hot dumpster fire that has been Musk’s takeover of Twitter definitely made things…interesting. Twitter is my primary source of audience engagement and has been since I had to leave Tumblr during the purge. I’ve been slowly building my following there with all the love and care I can give. I wasn’t as panicked as some were about Twitter cutting off, but it made me hop into action. I turned towards my most hated enemy—Wordpress.

I loathe WordPress. It’s clunky, bloated, and designing for it without a fancy, expensive builder plugin is hell. But here I am, with a blogging platform I built myself. I can post all the adult content I want because my host provider (DreamHost) allows it as long as it’s not illegal or a free porn image gallery. There are still some improvements to make, but for now, I’m content with what I’ve made.

Goals & Plans for 2023


This year yielded more art with backgrounds than the previous year. I still have a lot to learn for 3D environments, but I’m really thrilled to keep moving forward with it. There was improvement all around; I’d like to keep pursuing it.

– Continue to improve anatomy (specifically, hips and waists)
– Continue to improve 3D environments (and maybe stop being lazy about sculpting)
– Experiment more with dynamic compositions/poses (porn doesn’t have to be static)
– Be better about practice and warm-ups (my constant shortcoming)
– Experiment with painting/texturized shading
– Rediscover doodling OCs, something I’ve lost over the years and want to get back into


Quitting the day job gave me time to do something I’ve been wanting to do for a long time—publish a book. And I published three! It helped that they were a series of shorts, but it was a good idea. Not only did I finish them, I also learned the process, and now I can do better on the next ones.

– Publish a M/M omegaverse short series (estimated 3 to 5 books)
– Publish a romance novella/novel
– Publish, or come close to publishing, a second novella/novel

I have a big plate of writing ideas in varying states, but I’m still unsure of my writing production speed so I can’t really determine more specific goals.

General Sacchi Shenanigans

Despite the year being a bit rough, I managed to dip my toes in new waters. The biggest endeavor was this blog.

– Convert the weekly blog post email into automated immediate new post alerts (hope to do this soon)
– Continue regular book recommendation posts (easy, as I’ll never run out of books to read)
– Improve the blog’s user experience (from text formatting to general display across devices)
– If Twitter B.S. continues, maybe consider creating a [REDACTED]
– If I start a creative project, finish it (my lifelong struggle)

And of course…keep serving that good horny content. 👏 Thanks for hanging around with me for another year, guys! I hope 2023 will be your best year yet!

Happy New Year!